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Basic Life Support (BLS) course provides healthcare providers and public safety professionals the knowledge and skills necessary to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies in adult child and infant patients. This class is taught in a blended learning format and the online portion (accessed via mobile desktop or tablet) must be completed prior to attending the instructor-led skills session. Upon successful completion of the course learners will receive a 2-year Basic Life Support digital certificate.


ADULT (only) CPR/AED First Aid



The 2021 Adult First Aid/CPR/AED course equips students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults. It is designed for students who need a certification that satisfies OSHA workplace or other regulatory requirements. Upon successful completion a valid 2 year digital certificate.





Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning course equips students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults children and infants. It is designed for students who need a certification that satisfies OSHA workplace or other regulatory requirements. This class is taught in a blended learning format and the online portion must be completed prior to attending the Instructor-led skills session.Upon successful completion of the course learners will receive a 2-year Basic Life Support digital certificate.




Babysitters Training provides youth who are planning to babysit with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care for children and infants. This training will help participants to develop leadership skills; learn how to develop a babysitting business keep themselves and others safe and help children behave; and learn about basic child care and basic first aid. The recommended age for this course is 11-15 years old. Minor policy form needs to be completed by the parent or guardian.
Upon successful completion of the course learners will receive a 2-year Basic Life Support digital certificate.


This course will train instructor candidates to teach basic-level American Red Cross First Aid CPR and AED courses. In order to participate in this course you must
  • Possess a current basic-level American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED (or higher level) certification or equivalent
    Be at least 16 years of age on the last day of the instructor course.
Upon registration it is important that you review and follow the directions on the e-mail attachment sent with your registration confirmation. This is a blended learning course consisting of online content a skills session and classroom segments. Online material must be completed prior to attending the classroom activities. For more information please reference the attachment you will receive via e-mail when you register for this course.
Training materials included in the price.

First Aid for Severe Trauma™ (FAST™)



FAST is the first national STOP THE BLEED® course designed specifically for high school students, but anyone can take the course and benefit from the training.
You can save a life: Preparing for bleeding emergencies; recognizing that a bleeding emergency exists; emergency action steps; deciding to act in an emergency.
Safety in emergency situations: Keeping yourself safe in an emergency; helping others to safety; violent situations.
Communicating in emergency situations: Communication basics; communicating with others at the scene; communicating with the emergency dispatcher.
Caring for a person with life-threatening bleeding: Using pressure to stop bleeding; applying direct pressure; using a tourniquet; after the bleeding stops.

You Can Make a Difference.png

Angelmedic CPR was awarded top CPR provider in the state of Florida by The American Red Cross.

American Red Cross Licensed Training Provider

The American Red Cross offers training in a variety of formats.


Blended Online + Classroom

  • Combines the flexibility of online training with Instructor-led skills check

  • Satisfies OSHA workplace requirements

  • Meets education, credentialing and privileging requirements for professional healthcare responders



  • Self-paced interactive course

  • Start your course immediately

  • Course access after completion

American Red Cross Continuing Education Credit Information

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